Oakland Baptist Church's History


Date Organized: Oakland Baptist Church was established February 1, 1924, as a mission from Hattie Baptist Church, now First Baptist Church of Centerville. The church was dedicated on Jan 3, 1943.

Charter Members: The charter members that are known at this time include: A.J. Jackson, Mattie Feb Watson, Tom Duncan, H.I. Watson, Mattie Watson, Babe Self, J. Clifford Heath, Curtis Gentry, Mrs. Burrie Proctor, and Mrs. R.C. Self.

First Service: The first service was held in an abandoned schoolhouse very near where the present church is located. It had only one room and there was no Sunday School. Church service was only held once each month.

Circumstances with Organization: First worship services were held in an abandoned one room school house known as Oakland School. The land was dotted with oak trees and located on a dirt lane known as Watson Road, now Russell Parkway. The school and one acre of land was purchased from Houston County Board of Education for $125.00. Oakland began a full time ministry on September 29, 1954 with services every Sunday. First pastor in 1924 was A. L. Caldwell.

Pastors in order of calling: A. L. Caldwell, H. H. Haynes, J. C. Mayes, J. Clifford Heath, Eddie L. Smith, I. A. Benefield, Horace Lewis, Robert Pitts, Gary Osbourne, Earl Ratliff, Abner Tippett, J. Herbert Franks, Calvin (Cal) Davis, Argin Floyd, Larry Paulk, Brad Sanders,Thomas Barnard and Mike Winfree (current).